If you rely on a boiler to run your heat, it’s likely your home or business will require a new boiler unit at some point. Even the most reliable and durable boilers require replacements, depending on their quality and usage. The contractors at The Plumber, Heating & Cooling in Buffalo are skilled at boiler installation, and utilize modern, high-efficiency boilers to meet the heating demands of your home or business.
Here are some of the trademark signs your boiler needs to be replaced:
- Unusual sounds. Strange sounds heard from the boiler can signal to much or too little water in the system.
- Cold radiator. Little to no hot water reaching the radiator means heat can’t be released from the unit.
- Constantly switching on and off. A boiler that switches between on and off without resulting in a proper temperature adjustment may have a problem with its thermostat.
- Lack of hot water. As one of the most obvious signs, no hot water can indicate a broken boiler.
Before we perform a boiler installation for your Buffalo home, our technicians will discuss the size of boiler that is needed for your heating system, as well as the unit’s efficiency, code requirements, and installation pricing. It’s our goal to always make sure our customers understand the installation process and know what to expect from our services. If you have any questions regarding boiler installation for your Buffalo home, get in touch to schedule an appointment by calling (716) 894-4382.